Bjorn Land Multifruit V 1.0
Bjorn country Multifruit map has got alfalfa clover oats and rye sunflower.
there is 7 different animals to look after Including the following.
cows sheep chickens pigs cattle lambs chickens2.
some fields are now bigger Including a new field on top of the hill near the farm animals.
new building for the wool sell the place is Spinnery Which is in the town area so seed shed in town.
includes fermenting silos on farm and in the bga areas.
other things on the map are the feed gates and seedmaster2, Seed and fertilizer composting soil was planning has been changed to compost only
There is a new red silo on farm to buy and store the Following lime nitrogen NPK fertilizer phosphorus potash.
fertilizer compost building trade. the map has got built in fill and plans for compost particles oat rye and sunflower
alfalfa and clover is cut like grass
water mod, wool pallet collector, Mixstation Ruebenschneider, storage for liquidManure.
The farm is surrounded by a new wall and security gates.
Credits: pinguar